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A sensible reading for a healthy life.

Jeu-questionnaire : Savez-vous lire les étiquettes?


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Super antioxydants ces légumes et fruits, si SIMPLE!


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De l'activité physique au menu, c’est SIMPLE!


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Vivre jusqu'à 101 ans , quel est le secret d'Emilia ?


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Le chou: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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Les noix: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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La tomate: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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Le millet: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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Le quinoa: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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8 mythes tenaces passés à la loupe


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Faites vos 5 premiers PAS pour SIMPLEMENT bien manger


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Célébrations sans culpabilité, sans privation


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L'avoine: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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La bette à carde: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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La mûre: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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La papaye: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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La patate douce: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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La carotte: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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La cerise: que ton aliment soit ta médecine!


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Tips for the barbecue

Recipes adapted for cooking on the barbecue are numerous on the internet and in bookshops. So why...

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The world of flours

Wholemeal flour, coconut flour, gluten-free flour, etc. What is the best flour for your recipe, and ...

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Nutritionists and Their Views on Canada's Food Guide 2019

Does Canada's Food Guide (CFG) meet the needs of Canadians?Click here to download it:...

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Oral canker sores (ulcers)

Mouth ulcers or mouth ulcers are quite common in the population, but fortunately, ...

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Ketogenic Diet, Diabetes, Weight Loss, Cancer: The Facts

Low carb diets or LCHF (low-carb high-fat), especially the strictest version, the ketogenic diet,...

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Dried fruits: how to make wise choices!

Dried fruits are trendy. Available everywhere and very practical, they are often used for recipes,...

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Healthy eating in solo mode

Cooking in solo mode presents several challenges, including a lack of motivation and sometimes...

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How to choose your granola wisely

Adding a small amount of crunchy, slightly sweet granola to your yogurt is so delicious. Still, you ...

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Textured vegetable protein: a food to discover

Textured vegetable protein (or TVP) has become very trendy in recent years. Discover this enjoyable ...

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Plant-based drinks: which one and why?

Plant-based drinks are increasing in popularity. They are chosen because of lactose intolerance,...

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5 good reasons to engage in a follow-up with your nutritionist

You've made your appointment with one of our Clinical Nutritionist-Dietitians, and you're eager to...

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The principles of intuitive nutrition

The fundamental principles of intuitive nutrition inspire NutriSimple. This latter approach...

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