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5 good reasons to engage in a follow-up with your nutritionist Schedule an appointment
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5 good reasons to engage in a follow-up with your nutritionist

You've made your appointment with one of our Clinical Nutritionist-Dietitians, and you're eager to go. The initial assessment meeting is going really well, you've got a lot of information, and you're pumped up. Your nutritionist suggests you continue the sessions in the last minutes of the assessment, but you refuse. 😮🤔


Yet I have at least five arguments in favour of engaging in follow-ups:


  1. Easy to say, hard to do!

Eating well is not particularly complicated: most of us know what to do. How to do it daily is another battle! For most of my clients, the follow-ups provide answers to their questions, relevant and personalized tools, solutions to their obstacles, etc. The follow-ups make it possible to put the information received into practice progressively and realistically!


  1. Staggering motivation

Change can be very exciting at first, so a lot of effort is put into it. It feels like everything is going well. On the other hand, certain situations in life, the lack of results, for example, can test our motivation. Follow-ups with your nutritionist are precisely there to help you stay on track or to remind you why you decided to take the step in the first place. Many people mistakenly believe that when things go wrong, they should not come to see their nutritionist. However, in the troughs, we are indispensable to help you resume and maintain your good habits.


  1. The environment has an impact on the approach

Adopting healthy eating habits or making changes in your life can be very difficult. Having a supportive environment and a specific routine can be extremely helpful. A move or frequent business trips are examples of destabilizing situations to acquire and maintain new habits. Your follow-up appointment is the ideal time to help you plan or navigate through these changes by equipping you to deal with these realities.


  1. Life is not a long quiet river

When our lives change, whether due to death, break-up or children, for example, our eating habits and efforts can be significantly affected. Your nutritionist can still help you stay on track through these regular life changes by helping you set priorities. Useful links, suggested readings, and menus are just a few glimpses of what your nutritionist can provide to help you during follow-ups.


  1. Needs may change

You came for a weight loss consultation, but you learn a few months later that you are pregnant. You had started a procedure for anemia, and your doctor tells you that you also have prediabetes. These situations are common in consultations. The advice given at your first appointment will not necessarily be adapted to your new condition. Meeting with your nutritionist more frequently allows him or her to adjust to these new needs and to offer individualized and appropriate advice at all times.


Not convinced yet? Please know that having someone to come and meet regularly to get motivated, discuss your difficulties, objectives, etc., is extremely pleasant. Besides, people who have follow-ups are more likely to reach their goals AND maintain what they have learned.


Now that you have grasped the importance of follow-ups, I invite you to book an appointment by contacting us at 1-877-427-6664 or directly on the agenda of your Clinical Nutritionist-Dietitian.

Across Quebec 514 990-7128 418 317-1288
Toll free 1 877 427-6664

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