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by Mylèna Forest-Lesieur, Dt.P.,

Discover edamame!
Are you familiar with edamame?

Originally from Japan, their name means "bean on branch". Still hardly known in the West, they have been cultivated for several centuries in the East. They are similar in appearance to snow peas. They are fresh soybeans harvested before maturity. They are part of the legume family along with chickpeas, beans and lentils. They can be found whole in a pod or shelled.
Fresh or frozen, you can eat edamame cooked. You can easily incorporate them into soups, salads, stir-fries, pasta or stews in addition to being an excellent snack!

Let me introduce you to 5 nutritional assets of edamame.

  1. Very nourishing, edamame can contain up to 16 g of protein per 175 ml serving (¾ cup). These beans are therefore richer in protein than other legumes, and its protein is complete.
  2. Containing an appreciable amount of phosphorus and calcium, it promotes the maintenance of good bone health.
  3. Rich in folate and iron, edamame is an excellent ally to vegetarian nutrition.
  4. Source of antioxidants, including vitamin C, which promotes iron absorption.
  5. These beans are distinguished by their content of phytoestrogens, components associated with cardiovascular disease prevention and certain types of cancer.


Born H. et coll. Edamame : Vegetable Soybean, National Sustainable Agricultural Information Service, United States Department of Agriculture, 2006.

Ebert, A.W. et coll. Nutritional composition of mungbean and soybean sprouts compared to their adult growth stage, Food Chemistry, Volume 237, 2017.

Huot, I. Les fèves edamame, des protéines de haute qualité, Le Bel âge magazine, 2013. (Online) https://www.lebelage.ca/ma-sante/nutrition/les-feves-edamame-des-proteines-de-haute-qualite

Journal Le Feuilleté, Zoom sur l’edamame, 2018. (Online) https://lefeuillete.com/2018/02/24/zoom-sur-les-edamames/

Reiter, M.S. et coll. USDA Edamame project, Virginia State University, 2019.

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