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Textured vegetable protein: a food to discover Schedule an appointment
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Textured vegetable protein: a food to discover

Textured vegetable protein (or TVP) has become very trendy in recent years. Discover this enjoyable vegetarian alternative from a nutritional standpoint.



TVP is produced from defatted soy flour and comes in the form of dry granules. You can find it in different sizes in bulk grocery stores, health food stores or in the organic section of some popular grocery stores.



Its nutritional value For ½ cup (45 g) before rehydration of TVP in small grains, we obtain 20 g of protein, 7 g of fibre and 0.5 g of lipids. In comparison, the same amount of cooked lean ground beef contains 16 g of protein, 10 g of fat and no fibre. Soy protein is a complete vegetable protein and can, therefore, completely replace animal protein and have proven benefits in reducing blood cholesterol, among other things.

Its cost In addition to its health benefits, it costs less than ground meat. By replacing a good portion of meat with TVP, the savings can be substantial.

Its conservation Vendue sous forme sèche, elle se conserve très longtemps dans le garde-manger, un avantage que la viande peut lui envier.

Its environmental impact Sold in dry form, it keeps for a very long time in the pantry, an advantage that meat can envy.



To cook it, you must first rehydrate it with boiling water or broth. Like tofu, its taste is neutral. It must be seasoned. TVP can be used in all recipes where ground meat is usually used, such as spaghetti sauce, chilli, tacos, etc. The more daring will add it to their tender bars or homemade muffins to improve their protein content.


In short, TVP is a versatile, nutritious, ecological and economical option that you would benefit from being added to your next grocery basket!



Comment cuisiner la protéine végétale texturée ?
La protéine végétale texturée: la nouvelle tendance nutrition
Alimentation responsable: une bouchée pour la planète

Source de l'mage : trail.recipes

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