Across Quebec 514 990-7128 418 317-1288
Toll free 1 877 427-6664
NutriSimple is the recipient of the
"2020 Consumer’s Choice"
in the Nutritionist-Dietitian
category for the Greater Montreal Area.
"We accept with great humility and hope that in 2020,
people in need of nutrition services, will turn to
the true and only experts in nutrition:
the dietitians-nutritionists, members of the OPDQ."
Live the NutriSimple experience
Our method provides sustainable results thanks to its personalized coaching by dietitians and its educational tools validated by a scientific advisor.

Live the NutriSimple experience and change your life!

Learn to eat well easily!
A nutritionist-dietitian to double your chances of achieving your health goals.

With NutriSimple, you eat what you love.

No banned food, only delicious healthy recipes!

NutriSimple remporte
« La meilleure collection au Canada »
La série Superaliments d'Elisabeth Cerqueira et de Marise Charron remporte le prix de « La meilleure collection de livres de cuisine santé au Canada » aux Gourmand World Cookbook Awards.

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"NutriSimple ranks among the programs with the greatest potential for success and benefits to physical and mental health."

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Our health columns
Written by our nutritionists

Textured vegetable protein: a food to discover

Textured vegetable protein (or TVP) has become very trendy in recent years. Discover this enjoyable ...

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5 good reasons to engage in a follow-up with your nutritionist

You've made your appointment with one of our Clinical Nutritionist-Dietitians, and you're eager to...

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NutriSimple in the media

NutriSimple is always open and our nutritionists provide videoconferencing and in-office consultations
Discover our platform 514 990-7128 418 317-1288 Toll free 1 877 427-6664

NutriSimple is always open and our nutritionists provide
videoconferencing and in-office consultations
Discover our platform
514 990-7128 418 317-1288
Toll free 1 877 427-6664

Logo NutriSimple Votre Nutrionniste Partenaire Santé
Across Quebec 514 990-7128 418 317-1288
Toll free 1 877 427-6664

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